January 12, 2022

EcoVAP’s Dramatic Impact on Reducing C02 Footprint

EcoVAP’s Dramatic Impact on Reducing C02 Footprint

January 12, 2022

The attached report “The Carbon Footprint of Water” estimates the water sector consumes a whopping 13% of all electricity in the US and is responsible for 5% of all US carbon emissions.   Moreover, these figures are expected to rise dramatically given that new water supplies must come from even more energy-demanding sources; i.e., pumping through longer aqueducts and from deeper aquifers, and from desalination and other treatments for reuse.  By contrast, EcoVAP’s biomimcry-based technology uses practically no electricity, thus implying negligible CO2 footprint, and our “Matrices” can also be located at the point where the wastewater is generated, thus avoiding the CO2 from trucking.


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